SERVANTHOOD: Overcoming the Biggest Temptation from the Devil

The New Testament was began with the message about the kingdom of heaven that John the Baptist preached: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Mat.3:2!” And then Jesus continued exactly the same message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Mat.4:17.” Jesus introduced heaven as a kingdom and it was emphasized throughout the Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and the New Testament (Acts, Romans, 1Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians, 2Thessalonians). While the Old Testament never make any mention neither ‘kingdom of heaven’ nor ‘kingdom of God’, somehow it gave us the divine and important lessons from the real life of the kingdom of Israel and Judah.


The kingdom of Israel and Judah had a fundamental difference compared to another kingdom in the rest of the world. The only constitution that they used is the Word of God. That’s why the book of Kings and Chronicles is not merely about the history but it is a divine lesson so that believers may learn the most important value as we prepare ourselves to live in the kingdom of God Mat.6:9-10. And for now we are going to learn about servanthood.


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Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 6Jun21

Ayat khotbah bahasa Indonesia: Ayat Khotbah 6Jun21

Communion: Communion Script

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